LifeRoc Capital was the fastest growing life settlement provider in 2021!


LifeRoc has become an industry leader by passing along the best industry experience, offers, and 100% commission directly to the agents and advisors that work with us.  Many of our competitors experienced negative growth in 2021, while LifeRoc grew almost 4 times as much as our closest competitor.

More agents are choosing LifeRoc for direct access to our industry leading network of global buyers and our intelligent model. The LifeRoc model offers outside the box solutions and programs, while eliminating the life settlement broker and the associated commission splits, while passing along 100%of the commission to the agent.


LifeRoc Industry Leading Performance in 2021 Statistics


  • LIFEROC grew at 360%

  • LIFEROC purchased 5x more death benefit than in 2020

  • 13 of our closest competitors had negative growth

In our humble opinion we are highly likely to be the fastest growing life settlement provider again, in 2022!


The LifeRoc model is unlike any other life settlement outlet: When you work with LifeRoc you gain a partner that provides you with direct access to the industry’s leading network of global buyers and passes along 100% of the commission directly to you. Additionally:

  • Industry leading programs for young and healthy clients, partial policy sales and a fully compliant variable life platform.
  • Experienced team who understands medical underwriting, life expectancies, and life insurance product pricing.
  • We’re responsible for file building and the cost for APSs & LEs.


Call us today at (888)662-0180 to learn more about life settlements.